Our patient care approach is modeled after the Institute for Functional Medicine and The American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

  • We want you to live life to the fullest. We don’t want to just “get rid of your symptoms.” We want to make sure you’re truly healthy.
  • We focus on your lifestyle, and work out an individualized plan for you.
  • Our treatment approaches include chiropractic care, diet, exercise, stress management, muscle therapy & massage, and a variety of other non-drug treatments.


The American Academy of Lifestyle Medicine states, “A growing body of scientific evidence has demonstrated that lifestyle intervention is an essential component in the treatment of chronic disease that can be as effective as medication, but without the risks and unwanted side-effects.”

When you work with us, your treatment plan will be multi-dimensional, and most importantly, centered around you. Ready to get started?

Yes, Let's Schedule A Consultation